Tallinn’s alcoholics-treating Wismari Hospital, half-empty in recession times, has run out of space to house patients-to-be.
Tallinn’s alcoholics-treating Wismari Hospital, half-empty in recession times, has run out of space to house patients-to-be.
Last Friday, a nurse on duty at Wismari curtly answered a phone-call by a patient-client: «The house is full, no vacancies in foreseeable future,» writes Õhtuleht.
Wismari chief doctor Valdur Jänes conforms that the hospital’s twenty five beds are nowadays occupied indeed. People seeking help will not be turned back and everybody will be helped, he assures. However, there are just not enough beds.
Mr Jänes thinks the number of patients is on the rise as Estonia is exiting economic recession – with people now having money both for drinks and treatment.