Instead of four former divisions, Tere’s production will now converge to two of them: Põlva and Viljandi. Products were divided according to machinery, cost-effectiveness and experience present.
Viljandi, for instance, has mainly been into curds products for decades, and that’s how it is going to be. Yoghurts have moved to Põlva. Film-packaged products are mainly concentrated in Viljandi, carton-packaged ones in Põlva. Plastic cups both here and there. According to Mr Kivine – and earlier confirmed by Tere majority owner Oliver Kruuda – the move is motivated by need to cut costs.
The ever sharpening competition on milk products market demands more cost-effectiveness, and keeping the big Tallinn plant was no longer prudent. «If we are able to guarantee the same market volume in Põlva and Viljandi, even increasing it in the future, cost-effectiveness will significantly be improved,» said Mr Kivine.
Tere spends €4m a year on electricity, heat, steam, water and sewerage, and saving ten per cent of that would be significant, even with added logistics costs on goods carried to Tallinn. However, being located in Southern Estonia, crude milk transport will be somewhat cheaper.
In addition to moving, Tere has been tinkering with new packages. Soon, freshly designed ones should adorn our shop shelves, both by shape and printed texts – also a part of renewal.