The board of the Estonian Employers Confederation on Wednesday elected Jüri Käo, the so far deputy chairman, its chairman.
The board of the Estonian Employers Confederation on Wednesday elected Jüri Käo, the so far deputy chairman, its chairman.
The second candidate was Enn Veskimägi, who has served as chairman since 2004, it stands on the website of the Estonian Employers Confederation.
Veskimagi is major owner of the furniture maker AS Standard and Jüri Käo is a key player in the retail and food business through the holding company NG Investeeringud.
The new lineup of the 20-strong board was elected by members at a general meeting on Feb. 14. The board is made up of representatives of businesses and industry associations.
The Estonian Employers Confederation has 23 industry associations and 85 companies as members and represents the interests of 1,500 employers in interaction with the legislative power, the executive power and unions.