96% of the travelers who participated in the survey that was conducted last summer said that thetheir visit to Tallinn has met or exceeded their expectations. On a five-grade scale, cruise tourists gave Tallinn 4.18, which is notably higher than the European average of 3.72.
“Year after year Tallinn is becoming increasingly popular among cruise operators”, says Sirle Arro, the head of Marketing and Communication Department of the Port of Tallinn. “Now according to the survey also the tourists have confirmed that they are truly impressed with Tallinn as a destination."
The survey was ordered by Cruise Baltic, the association of cruise ports and destination of the Baltic Sea.
Tallinn has been given grades above the European average in all ten categories that were to be evaluated. For instance, 90% of ca. 3000 respondents told that they are extremely or very satisfied with friendliness of the residents and courtesy of the employes of Tallinn’s shops. The average grade given to friendliness of the residents and shop employees was 4.45.
Along with satisfaction with service in stores and attitude of the locals, the tourists were also evaluating the initial shoreside welcome, guided tours, historical sites and museums, variety of things to see and do, overall shopping experience, overall prices, local transportation and overall visit.
According to the survey, on the average while staying in Tallinn a single tourist spends 56.7 euros, which is higher than the European average of 53.13. The main expenses are related to guided tours (26.71 euros per tourist on the average), local crafts and souvenirs (11.59 euros), clothing (5.83 euros) as well as food and drinks (4.81 euros).
Based on the OECD Input-Output methodology and the survey results, G.P.Wild has also calculated the contribution of cruise tourists to Estonian economy. “During the last year tourists and crew members spent estimated 26.4 million euros, thus generating 177 direct jobs”, Arro comments on the survey results. “If we are to consider the indirect influence, cruise tourists bring to Estonian economy ca. 51 million euros and the total output results in the employment of 365 persons paying 9 million euros in compensation”.
From the total direct spending of tourists and crew members estimated 12.1 million euros are paid to tourism businesses for guided tours, and 10 million euros are spent in Tallinn’s stores.
Considering the growing interest of cruise tourists, the Port of Tallinn plans to construct a new cruise quay. The works will be finished by next year's cruise season. The new 420-meter long cruise quay that is being built next to the existing 339-meter long quay finished in 2004 will allow to welcome even larger vessels.
The cruise tourism consulting company G.P.Wild annually performs surveys for the European Cruise Council (ECC). From June to September tourists and crew members of ten cruise vessels were interviewed in Tallinn. Answers were provided by the total of 2923 tourists and 761 crew members.
The total of 440 000 cruise tourists arrived in Tallinn on 294 vessels during the last year. The Port of Tallinn forecasts that this year 480 000 cruise tourists will visit Tallinn, and that 330 cruise vessels will stop in Tallinn.