The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) of Estonia increased 0.2 points in January to 102 points, figures released by the European Commission show.
The Economic Sentiment Indicator (ESI) of Estonia increased 0.2 points in January to 102 points, figures released by the European Commission show.
In Estonia sentiment improved among industrial companies and consumers, whereas in service, construction and retail trade it moved lower, the Estonian Institute of Economic Research said.
Europe-wide, ESI increased by 1.4 points in both the EU, to 90.6 points, and the euro area, to 89.2. In the EU, confidence improved in services, construction, retail trade and among consumers, while deteriorating slightly in industry.
In the euro area, confidence picked up in construction, services and among consumers and remained broadly unchanged in industry and retail trade. In both regions, the ESI rose for the third consecutive month but remains well below its long-term average.
The three Baltic countries were the only countries to have the indicator above 100 points, representing the long-term average.
The index improved the most in Germany, 2.5 points, and moved up 0.5 points in both the UK and Spain. The biggest decline happened in France where the index slid 0.3 points.
In absolute terms the index was the lowest in Cyprus, Portugal, Luxembourg, Italy, Slovakia, Poland, and Greece.