One of Estonia's leading Russia experts, Kadri Liik, wrote on the pages of Postimees that things often start moving in Russia only after the president pays attention, which is what the Finns managed to achieve this time.
This is all well and good, except for one tiny «however».
Russian warplanes cannot switch on anything to make them visible to civilian air traffic controllers and aircraft. Even if the order comes directly from Putin. Russian military aircraft simply do not have identification devices which civilian aviation refers to as transponders.
The lack of such equipment was confirmed by one of Moscow's better-known independent military experts Pavel Felgenhauer, Hero of the Russian Federation, test pilot Aleksandr Garnayev, and a Russian officer who chose to remain anonymous as he is not authorized to give comments to the media.
What is not there, is not there
Modern identification devices on passenger aircraft, or transponders, transmit the plane's identifying letters and/or numbers, call sign, the transponder's serial number, altitude, air speed, and heading, as well as GPS coordinates. The presence of transponders makes the data public and available in addition to pilots and air traffic controllers to everyone with an internet connection.
«No Russian military aircraft, old or new, have anything of the sort on board, nor have they ever,» Felgenhauer told Postimees.