Red light defiance popular among drivers

Andres Einmann
Please note that the article is more than five years old and belongs to our archive. We do not update the content of the archives, so it may be necessary to consult newer sources.

During an hour yesterday, Postimees watched the Tartu Highway / Kreutzwaldi Street junction in Tallinn which on Saturday featured accident with 14 people injured. Between one and two o’clock in the afternoon, 14 cars crossed the intersection under yellow or red light.

LastSaturday morning, a Mercedes-Benz driven by Eve (42) at left-turn from Kreutzwaldi St was hit by a BMW with Gregori (22) at wheel heading out of town along Tartu Highway.

The impact sent the Mercedes crashing into five pedestrians standing on a traffic island: Oleg (64), Helen (37), Galina (57) a boy of 4 and a girl aged 9.

The BMW contained three passengers plus driver, while five sat in the Mercedes all in all.

Preliminary information says the accident was caused by driver of BMW doing a red-light-crossing while drunk.

Criminal procedure has been launched on basis of penal code citing violation of traffic rules leading to serious health damage due to negligence. If convicted in court, imprisonment up to five years may follow.
