That is a superior attitude whereby other countries must be lectured to understand that the way Sweden does things is the correct and only way to do things. This has already happened to EU countries in general and to our Nordic neighbours Denmark, Norway and Finland in specific. So Estonia – welcome to the club. From here on it will only get worse.
Fredrik Reinfeldt, Swedens ex prime minister from Moderaterna [the Moderates], dubbed Sweden «A Great Humanitarian Power» [«Humanitär Stormakt»], leading up to the last parliamentary election in September 2014. Reading the article «Former Swedish politician: it’s all about being a global citizen!» in Postimees in English May 6th 2015, featuring the same claim, I got the feeling of the author Mr Anders Hedman, also from Moderaterna, wanting to be a history professor teaching Postimees’ readers objective facts, he wants to correct the «one-sided» article written by Ms Marit Hermann [Reader: why I don’t welcome the refugees, in light of Swedish multikulti] and «explain» how things really are. There are only two things wrong with this metaphor; the article is neither objective nor based on facts. The author seems to have appointed himself a spokesperson for Sweden and all Swedes, but I would say he is confusing his personal opinion with the opinion of the majority of Swedes. Furthermore, politics cannot only be piling up beautiful words on top of each other, it must also have some connection to the real world.