The attitude emanating from your first interviews in frightening. Almost all that has been done in educational policy, over these past years, is no good at all; everything needs to be analysed and changed.
Not so at all. Firstly, we must begin by how much time this government has to work – only eleven months.
The more frightening if you forward a message to educational figures and the public: all needs to be remade!
Physically, we will not manage to make big essential changes. I do not think that it would be essentially correct, given the time frame, to start doing these, as education political changes are the king which will very sharply be felt in 10–20 years. Decisions made in a hurry will bring no good. I have earlier criticised the former education minister Jaak Aaviksoo, because he was in too much of a hurry. Like with the higher education reform, in my estimation, all aspects were not debater till the end.
Universities are relatively satisfied with the reform, considering that the numbers of students are shrinking, but the state has granted substantially more money for higher education.
Surely the reform has its positive aspects. Surely we cannot question that effectiveness of universities is enhanced and there is a basic movement towards the student’s academic time being more effective, graduating within the nominal time. On the other hand, have the other things changed along the good things, like adult studies, in-service training, «open universities» – has that produced the results that we wanted?