Rural municipality head charged with large-scale embezzlement

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Photo: Ardi Truija / Pärnu Postimees

The regional prosecutor's office for West Estonia has sent to court a criminal case against the mayor of the rural municipality of Vandra, Peeter Reimann, who stands charged with large-scale embezzlement.

According to the statement of charges, Reimann as an official violated the anti-corruption law by concluding in 2005 as a private individual a contract putting a car he was using at the disposal of the local government. Under the contract the local government undertook to pay him for the maintenance and repair works on the car. The official who signed the contract on behalf of the local government did not have the right to conclude such a contract. In 2008 a new contract was concluded whereby Reimann put his new car at the disposal of the local government.

The government of the Vandra municipality paid in 2005-2009 more than 100 bills presented by Reimann, meeting not only repair and maintenance expenses but other car-related expenses as well. The mayor is also accused of using the local government's credit card to pay the expenses related to the cars. Reimann was charged with embezzling over 685,000 Estonian kroons or almost 44,000 euros in this way.

The official who concluded the contracts on behalf of the Vandra government and authorized the bills was charged with aiding embezzlement.

Reimann has denied any wrongdoing.
