Statistics: 41.6 pct of children in Estonia are born into marriage

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Photo: Panther Media/Scanpix

Of the children born in Estonia last year 41.6 percent were born to married parents, it appears from population statistics published by Statistics Estonia on Tuesday.

While the percentage of children born to married couples has halved in Estonia during the past 40 years, it was slightly higher last year than in 2011 when 40.33 percent of all children were born to married parents.

Children born to married couples made up 85.89 percent of all children born in 1970, 81.73 percent in 1980 and 72.78 percent in 1990.

At the time of the restoration of Estonia's independence in 1991 the percentage of children born into a marriage was 68.76. The proportion dropped below the 50 percent mark in 1997, when 48.41 percent of children were born to a parents in wedlock.


