Foundation for Defence of Family and Traditions initiated a petition against legalising cohabitation of same sex couples.
Foundation for Defence of Family and Traditions initiated a petition against legalising cohabitation of same sex couples.
In the petition, the foundation underlines the ever increasing attempts to legally redefine the institutions of marriage and family, also involving homosexual relationships, and that the Ministry of Justice is preparing a draft cohabitation act, legalising, among other things, cohabitation of same sex couples.
The foundation is troubled by the fact that, upon legalisation of same sex cohabitation, children will be taught on homosexual lifestyle as a healthy and moral way of self-realisation. It would also facilitate granting homosexual couples the right to adopt children.
The foundation aims to get a minimum of 10,000 signatures to the petition by May 12th, thereafter presenting it to Parliament.
Foundation for Defence of Family and Traditions (SA Perekonna ja Traditsiooni Kaitseks) is aiming to stand for traditional order of society honouring family, moral law, human dignity, rights and ownership, as well as European cultural heritage in all fields of social life.
Ways of legal regulation of non-marital cohabitation were analysed by the ministry already in 2009. In May 2011, Chancellor of Justice said that current legal framework provides no protection for a partner’s rights, and that a situation where same sex cohabitation is unregulated contradicts the constitution.
In August of the same year, Ministry of Justice offered parliamentary parties four options to regulate cohabitation. Based on opinions and proposals received, a concept of cohabitation act was put together.
The drafted regulation is meant to protect the rights of children and the weaker parties in cohabitation relationships and to provide additional security to a partner on parental leave, dedicated to caring for the family.
The second proposal would provide residents of Estonia to also register their cohabitation. According to the concept, this would be available for all couples irrespective of whether they are of the opposite or same sex. For that, the cohabitants ought to enter a notarised cohabitation contract, determining their relationship regarding assets. Also, they would be able to agree upon matters of maintenance obligation and succession.
Reform Party and Social Democrats have confirmed support for sex-neutral partnership law. IRL, however, is opposed to legalising all unmarried cohabitation.